Biblical Truth Trumps Evolution: Creation Agrees
Are You As Wise As The Creation?
Introduction: This blog: Biblical Truth Trumps Evolution: Creation Agrees illustrates the absurdity of non-science which creation itself testifies. Evolution is so often touted as the prize of and spokesman for science. Its falsehood and the people who espouse are shamed by creation itself. God does not bless competitors (Isaiah 42:8; 48:8-11)
A non-negotiable fact is this: Biblical truth trumps evolution. Science itself affirms that evolution is based on a person’s theological beliefs. The scientist is f the issue. He has presupposition and sets out to prove or disprove them. The foundation of evolution is not only unproven but it is not provable. The scientist interrupts non-data. No one was present in eternity past to witness the Triune God’s plan of salvation (John 6:37-43). No one was there when God spoke something into being from nothing (Genesis 1; Psalm 33). Origin and historical science is not the same thing as operational and experimental science. The idea that something came from nothing is anything but scientific or rational.
Consider the simple fact that evolution is contrary to the first two laws of Thermodynamics. The First Law states that energy can be transformed in various ways but cannot be destroyed or created. The Second law states that in all energy transformations there is a tendency for some energy to be transformed into non-reversible heat energy so that available energy is reduced. The term entropy is used as a measure of the amount of energy depleted from a system. Devolution not evolution is the key characteristics of the universe and it in part explains why the creation groans (Romans 8:19-22). Evolutionists exalt and creation groans. Creation views itself from God’s perspective. It is wiser than many scientists! Biblical truth trumps evolution!
Truth sets you free (John 8:31-32. In that light consider Romans 8:18-23 and 2 Corinthians 4:1, 16-18 eviscerate the idea of evolution. How so? Both of these passages teach that creation and man’s physical body are decaying. Corruption is rampant within the universe. In contrast, evolution teaches that time is an ally, things are getting better, and man is being perfected. Death is due to natural selection which benefits the “species.” Death is a good thing, a natural thing. Interesting. God in His Word teaches truth an entirely different concept. The word translated decay in Romans 8:21 and 2 Corinthians 4:16 is phtheiro. The word and its derivatives indicate someone or something subject to corruption, spoiling, destruction, and deterioration.
Further, the Bible teaches that corruption is the result of Adam’s initial and original sin and God’s judgment upon him an all mankind born of ordinary generation. Romans 5:12-14 teaches that because of the sin of one man sin, misery, and death entered into the world. Creation is in the throes of corruption (v.21). In response, creation groans but with hope (v.19-21). Stop and ponder creation’s response to God’s judgment. It is as if creation “:knows” something. It has a different perspective in regard to the present and future. It groans but with hope! The picture that the Holy Spirit paints in verse 19 is a crane straining its neck to get a clearer look at God’s revelation. It does the crane-ing because like an expectant mother it knows something is coming (v.22).
Paul, in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 teaches a similar scenario. The same word is used for the decaying of the outer man – man’s physical body. As creation, mankind is subject to corruption and decay. Strange as it sounds, the baby in the womb and outside, the baby born dying and was born to die. Paul knew these facts and experienced body failure. Yet in both Romans 8:18 and 2 Corinthians 4:1,16-18 Paul calls on believers to respond as creation does intuitively. Corruption is a burden. Creation groans. So does man. However creation does not focus on the now. It looks forward to liberation – freedom (v.20-22). Somehow creation senses something future.
In both of our passages (Romans 8; 2 Corinthians 4) Paul emphasized the fact of decay as a result of God’s judgment on Adam’s first sin. Man’s physical body is the primary subject in 2 Corinthians 4:16 and creation in Romans 8:23. Paul emphasized that the decay was both cosmic and individual. In contrast to decay, Paul who is a type of the apostle of hope, pushes the believer to reorient his thoughts and desires and subsequent actions. In Romans 8:18-23 creation and mankind groans. Paul recognized that life in a fallen world can be burdensome and unpleasant. Yet both creation and believers with confident expectation, eagerly anticipate the redemption of the body. Evolutionists have no such perspective. That mindset leads Paul to write in verse 18 that the present sufferings (the word actually means that which is experienced), problems and all, pale in significance when compared to glorious eternity. Paul was a man who had his share of “hard knocks” (2 Cor. 1:8-10; 4:8-10; 6: 3-10; 11:23-29).
In 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Paul gives another reason for hope: the outer man/the body is decaying but the inner man of a believer, regenerated by the Holy Spirit, is being made new. So mankind may groan as creation, the hope for man is inner-man renewal. On this basis, Paul wrote in v.1 and v.16 not to lose heart. He called for the believer to take a page out creation’s book and take an eternal view rather than a now approach to living in God’s world. Corruption and decay will end. The creation groans with eager, hopeful anticipation and believers have a foretaste of heaven with inner-man renewal. Therefore, the believer will think God’s thoughts, desire God’s desires, and live as a God pleaser knowing that God brings al things to pass for his glory and the good of his children.
1. What lesson can you learn from creation?
2. Decay and deterioration are part of sin-cursed universe. What are Paul’s keys are rightly responding to these facts?
3. What hope do you have as you experience yourself or view others with decaying bodies?