Pain: The Plight of Fallen Man

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Do you suffer from pain? At last–a book on “pain management” from a Christian viewpoint! Pain: The Plight of Fallen Man is a volume you can read with confidence that will direct those suffering from pain to God’s solution to the problem from Scripture.

Depression Through A Biblical Lens

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People with bad feelings and feeling-directed behavior anger, fear, worry, depression usually are given a psychiatric label. Initially, I was comfortable with that approach, but I have come to realize that people must be evaluated based on a proper understanding of the Bible. When that happens the whole person (thinking, wanting, and doing) will be considered not just outward behavior and feelings.

Joy In Grief

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The Bible teaches that Jesus grieved appropriately, properly, and with an eternal perspective. His grief was uncomplicated and forward-looking. Jesus’ motivation for all of life was pleasing His Father which influenced His perspective and response to the death of Lazarus, the fall of Jerusalem, and His own death. He knew and applied the principle of gain through loss.


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There is no time that endurance is not needed. However, too often for the believer endurance is simply coping, accepting, tolerating, and just getting by.  Hurting people, sinned-against people, and sinning people need to know and apply Godly endurance.

Being Christian in Your Medical Practice

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A major thesis of Being Christian in Your Medical Practice is that a “de-medicalization” of physicians is necessary and should be replaced by a “Scripto-centric” approach to life in the practice of medicine. This call is radical, humanly speaking, but we have a God Who has given much to us as Christian physicians and expects much of us.

True Competence in Medicine

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This book sets forth foundational truth that establishes the practice of medicine as a theological endeavor. The author develops a “how-to” approach to the practice of medicine for rheumatology and calls other physicians to do the same for their areas of practice.

Biblical Counseling Booklet

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The author is a medical doctor and churchman who loves Jesus and you. He wrote these pages for you to live a life full of joy and to be free from stress. In giving you this book, the author has provided you with the most important medical and biblical prescription for you to live a life fully pleasing to God who created you in His own image.