Biblical Heartburn and Truth: Luke 24

Biblical Heartburn, Burning Hearts and Truth: Part I Luke 24, Acts 2, 5, 7 The series: Biblical heartburn and Truth from Luke 24 and Acts 2, 5, 7 is intended to get to the heart of the matter – your heart. When is the last time your “heart burned?”...

The Believer’s True Coming Out: Saved and Being Saved

From Darkness into Light: Part I The Believer’s True Coming-Out: Salvation Introduction: This eight-part series: the believer’s true coming out: saved and being saved is intended to help the believer to understand and enjoy both. Salvation is a new life –...

Being Accused and Accusations: A Reality for Everyone

Being Accused and Accusations, Part I A Reality for Everyone including Christ Introduction: This two-part blog addressees the issue of a godly response to them. Being accused and accusations are a reality for everyone including Christ. He is the believer’s...

Communication: God’s Gift to His People

Communication: God’s gift to His people: Four Rules for Godly Communication Ephesians 4:25-32 Introduction: The series: Communication: God’s Gift to His People highlights the why, what, and how of godly communication for His glory and the good of...